ad pepper media International N.V.: Preliminary results for first quarter of 2014

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Nuremberg, Amsterdam, April 16, 2014 – Based on preliminary figures, ad pepper media International N.V. closed the first quarter 2014 with sales of EUR 11,579k. This corresponds to a decline of 10.9  percent compared with the equivalent figures for the previous year (Q1 2013: EUR 12,996k). On a like-for-like basis, i.e. before disposals of group companies in 2013, the decline amounted to 1.1 percent.

Gross profit reduced significantly by 27.9 percent to EUR 4,137k (Q1 2013: EUR 5,741k). On a like-for-like basis, gross profit reduced by 12.3 percent. At the same time, operating expenses reduced by 9.6 percent to EUR 5,129k (Q1 2013: EUR 5,673k).

Accordingly, the first three months of the year closed with negative profitability figures:  EBITDA for the past quarter amounts to EUR -936k (Q1 2013: EUR 134k). EBIT for the first three months of the year amounts to EUR -991k (Q1 2013: EUR 68k). EBT for the past quarter amounts to EUR -687k (Q1 2013: EUR 106k).

Liquid funds (including securities measured at fair value and fixed-term deposits) amount to EUR 20,045k (December 31, 2013: EUR 21,702k). The company still has no liabilities to banks.

The report on the first quarter of 2014 will be published on May 14, 2014.

Year-on-year comparison of key figures (unaudited):

Q1 2014 Q1 2013 % change
Sales EUR 000s 11,579 12,996 -10.9
Gross profit EUR 000s 4,137 5,741 -27.9
EBITDA EUR 000s -936 134 >100
EBIT EUR 000s -991 68 >100
EBT EUR 000s -687 106 >100
net income
EUR 000s -690 43 >100
EUR -0.03 -0.00
Liquid funds
(including securities)
EUR 000s 20,045 13,992 43.3
Equity EUR 000s 23,966 18,542 29.3
Total assets EUR 000s 34,107 29,563 15.4

For more information:
Jens Körner (CFO)
ad pepper media International N.V.
phone: +49 (0) 911 929057-0
fax: +49 (0) 911 929057-157